Sovereign Skills Lo-Vis Training Package
Backing the best gear is the best guidance on how to use it. That's why we offer the Sovereign Skills Lo-Vis Training Package - a 3-hour private training session at our private on-site range with one of our specialized instructors.
Through live-fire drills and hands-on demonstrations, you'll learn proper weapon handling, deployment of essential tools from YOUR Sovereign Lo-Vis kit, strategic movement, use of cover and concealment, threat identification and more. Whether you're a new carrier or seasoned veteran, our instructors will tailor the session to maximize your skills and readiness.
Leave with confidence not just in your kit, but in your ability to effectively and responsibly employ it should you ever face an unpredictable threat to your safety or the safety of others. You'll understand how to identify and utilize available cover and concealment to your tactical advantage. Limited slots available - book yours today to complement your Sovereign kit purchase and take your capabilities to the next level. Your security is too important not to get fully trained on these industry-leading solutions.

Whether you're an experienced shooter or entirely new to firearms, The Warrior Workshop requires all participants to begin at Level 1. Our program offers an advanced, comprehensive approach that surpasses traditional training methods. We are committed to ensuring you gain substantial skill enhancement and confidence from the very first level, setting a strong foundation for advanced tactical proficiency.